Alissa's Fitness Blog

Alissa's Diabetes and Fitness Blog


Discussion of Diet and Fitness as a tool to manage Diabetes

New Year New You!

I believe in setting goals and not resolutions for the New Year.  Resolutions are easily broken, but a goal can be maintained for a long period of time even if you have setbacks.  

My goal for 2015 is to eat clean maintaining a well balance diabetic friendly carbohydrate counting diet.  Another goal is to compete in several figure competitions in 2015.

I create a daily eating plan and exercise regimen.  I leave it in my kitchen so it is readily available and I have all of my chosen foods prepared in advance for the day.  I also determine a time I will be going to the gym.  Although there are many times I can find an excuse not to go, this is when I force myself to follow my daily plan.  Once you do not follow through with what works best, I find that it's easier to not keep my goal in mind.  

My motto is always say I can and not I can't.  When I tell myself I can, I follow through giving myself the confidence I need.